
Town Council Policies

Adopted Town Council Policies

On this page you will find the adopted Town Council Policies. If there is a specific policy you would like to view, but cannot find it on this page, please get in touch.

Freedom of Information & Data Protection

The Town Council seeks to be as open and transparent as possible by proactively making information available via this website. It has adopted a publication scheme and aims to respond promptly to any requests for information. Requests for information under the Data Protection Act, Freedom of Information Act or Environmental Information Regulations should be directed to the Town Clerk.

Strategic Priorities

Barnstaple Town Council adopted these priorities at its meeting on 18th December 2024.

They will be subject to annual review and will be used to focus the work of committees and the basis for future agenda items, they will underpin the budget setting and decision making processes.

Ultimately the Strategic Priorities will be used by the Town Council to adopt a plan led evidence based approach to the delivery of Council business and performance management.

Strategic Priorities 2024 2027