
About Rock Park Trust

Photograph of the Rock Park Memorial surrounded by flowers

Rock Park was left in perpetuity as a Charitable Trust to the Mayor and Aldermen of Barnstaple Corporation, their heirs and successors, by William Rock.

Bestowed by Victorian benefactor William Rock, this expansive park was opened with great public celebration. The grand obelisk at its entrance honours the opening in August of 1879. Ruined cottages, a factory and its yard, and an old limekiln were demolished in order to make way for the park and the ‘wide and noisome beach and water courses’ as they were at the time described, were tidied and drained.

Sited in the park is the town’s war memorial and a Millennium Stone dating from 1930. This was the year that the town celebrated 1000 years as a borough on the basis of an alleged Charter from King Athelstan in 930. As part of those celebrations swimming baths and a boating lake were constructed within the park, sadly these are no longer in situ.

Today the Park is owned by Barnstaple Town Council and managed by the Rock Park Trust Management Committee.

Trees at Rock Park

The Rock Park Trust Management Committee meets four times a year.

Barnstaple Town Council is the Sole Trustee.

The Trust is funded through an annual grant from Barnstaple Town Council.

Charity Number: 1154681

Registered Address: Barnstaple Town Council, Barum House, The Square, Barnstaple, Devon EX32 8LS

Telephone: 01271 373311

Email: admin@barnstapletowncouncil.gov.uk